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3 Pokemon Games Are in Development for Switch 2, Claims Leaker

A reliable leaker claims that three new Pokemon titles are in development for the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2!

Pokemon is the highest-grossing media franchise of all time, so it is no surprise that Nintendo wants a new Pokemon game for its upcoming console as soon as possible.

While we already know that Pokemon Legends: Z-A will be releasing on the Switch 2, there’s even better news for Pokemon fans.

This is because there’s supposedly a trio of Pokemon titles currently in development!

Pokemon Legends Z-A Trailer Pikachu

games-for-switch-2″>Pokemon Could Be Making A Trio of games for Switch 2

Very reliable Pokemon leaker @Riddler_Khu claims that three new Pokemon titles are currently in development for the Switch 2.

This information was revealed in response to Nintendo announcing that it will reveal its new console later this year.

While we have already seen the trailer for Pokemon Legends: Z-A, no other upcoming Pokemon games have been confirmed. This leaves two unknown games currently in development.

Pokemon Legends Z-A Logo

The first of these will almost certainly be the Gen 10 Pokemon game. However, as Scarlet & Violet’s DLC only concluded in December 2023, we expect this to be a couple of years away.

Then, we expect the other one to be either a new Let’s Go! game – which rumors suggest will take place in the Johto region – or the long-awaited remake of Black & White.

This game would likely arrive in between Legends: Z-A and Gen 10, as it looks like Pokemon Legends: Z-A could be a Switch 2 launch title.

Pokemon Let's Go Eevee

Of course, it’s important to bear in mind that this information is just a leak, so it may not be correct. However, expect to see plenty of Pokemon titles on the Switch 2 throughout the console’s life cycle.

In the meantime, it may be best to just look forward to Legends: Z-A, the only confirmed upcoming Pokemon game!

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