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ARENA WARS set to come out June 25th 2024 from Gravitas Ventures


Arena Wars, an upcoming film from Gravitas Ventures, is set to battle its way onto screens in June 25th, 2024. Directed by Brandon Slagle and produced by Mahal Empire Productions, this action-packed movie stars Michael Madsen, Robert LaSardo, Eric Roberts, and John Wells. Here’s a glimpse of what to expect:

In the year 2045, convicted criminals are given a unique opportunity: they can compete in the world’s #1 televised sporting event, Arena Wars. The stakes are high—survive 7 rooms and face 7 of the most vicious killers in the country. If they emerge victorious, they regain their freedom. It’s a thrilling battle for survival, where every move counts.

Mahal Empire Productions films include Alien Storm, Art of the Dead, Attack of the Unknown, Bus Party To Hell, Bloodthirst, Death Count, Night of the Tommyknockers, Bermuda Island, Bridge of the Doomed, Cursed Waters, Devil’s Knight, and Bikers vs Werewolves.

#ARENA #WARS #set #June #25th #fromGravitas #Ventures

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