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Dragon’s Dogma 2: 8 Best Tips For Fighting The Dragon

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has players facing a variety of deadly foes, but one of the hardest in the game has to be the Dragon, which players are working towards fighting their entire adventure. With this being commonly the players’ final battle, unless they plan on traveling to the Unmoored World, players may wish to prepare accordingly to give themselves the best chance.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: Best Party Combinations

Dragon’s Dogma 2 allows you to have three Pawns in your party. Here are the best combinations to have the perfect setup.

Therefore, these are some of the best tips for a player to follow when they are finally facing the Dragon. Following these tips will make sure the player isn’t only prepared beforehand but also gives them some pointers about how to survive during the battle.

8 Always Come Prepared

Have Plenty Of Extracts And Potions

Fruit Wine in Dragon's Dogma 2

Firstly, before a player can decide to approach the final main story quest that allows them to challenge the Dragon, a player should make sure they first sort out their inventory. Players should put away any potions or items they are unlikely to use in the fight and replace them with valuable potions, such as healing items, potions that remove burning, and ways to replenish their stamina.

Having these resources available will give players an easier time in the fight, not to mention that a player should also remember to give these resources to the player’s Pawns too.

7 Grab On To The Dragon

Grabbing Is One Of The Best Mechanics

A red dragon in a fiery landscape in Dragon's Dogma 2

An important mechanic of Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the ability to grab onto large enemies to climb them. Players that have chosen to play the melee-based Vocations are likely to be up-close and personal when fighting the dragon and, therefore, it’s important to avoid getting hit.

The best way for a player to do this is to climb atop the large Dragon. Due to the sheer size of him, players won’t even need to keep grabbing on when on his back, though it is important to latch on occasionally to avoid falling off again.

6 Look Around The Battlefield

There Are Ways To Fight Using The Environment

The Arisen facing the Dragon at the end of Dragon's Dogma 2

Players are encouraged to use the environment to their advantage during their entire adventure in Dragon’s Dogma 2. The same can also be done for the arena the player and their Pawns find themselves in while facing the Dragon.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: Things To Do After Beating The Game

The fun doesn’t stop after players beat Dragon’s Dogma 2 for the first time. There are still plenty of things to do after beating the game.

Looking up, players may spot a ballista on top of a rock. Players can latch onto the Dragon while he’s flying to get access to this ballista that can then be used against him in the battle. Players should still be careful, as this weapon can be destroyed by the Dragon if they are not careful.

5 Use His Size Against Him

Keeping Behind Him Is The Safest

Dragon's Dogma 2 giant dragon looking at Arisen trailer still blue dot halftone background edit

With the Dragon being triple the size of a regular drake, players can still use the tactics they would use with these smaller lizards to keep themselves alive. Therefore, players who are not climbing the dragon or are playing any of the ranged Vocations may wish to retreat behind the Dragon to avoid the majority of his attacks.

When behind him, the only thing players need to worry about is his tail swipe, which can be easily avoided. Players can then return to attacking him normally once the danger has passed.

4 Equip Fire-Resistant Armor

Avoids One Of Many Of His Abilities

The Immaculate Blaze armor in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Besides physically avoiding the attacks of this final foe, players can also prepare in other ways, such as purchasing and enhancing armor that can protect them against the fire-breathing attacks of the mighty Dragon.

Players should have access to some of the best armor available in the game at this point, and therefore, wearing armor that not only has the best defense but also resistance to fire will better the player’s odds if they do find themselves getting hit by him. Players should also remember to purchase the best armor for their Pawn too, as they are far more likely to be hit during combat.

3 Pay Attention To The Signs

Figure Out His Tells To Avoid Moves


Apart from being massive and breathing fire, the Dragon can also cast an assortment of spells. These spells can be incredibly powerful, with them quickly killing the player and their Pawns if they aren’t careful. Thankfully, by observing the Dragon, players will begin to pick up the signs of each of the enemies’ attacks.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: Creative Ways To Kill Enemies

Dragon’s Dogma 2 affords players a lot of freedom, especially when it comes to dispatching their foes in style!

For example, players will know when the Dragon is about to start casting a spell, when it rears up, raising its claw, this gives players the chance to cancel whatever Action they are doing to avoid the effects of the cast.

2 Be The Right Level For The Fight

Players Will Have An Easier Time The Higher Their Level

A player’s stats in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Players who have decided to explore everything before completing the main story are likely to not need to worry about what level they are when they face the Dragon. However, those who have strictly focused on the story should make sure that they have at least passed the level of 30.

Anything below this means even a single hit from the Dragon has the chance to one-shot the player, leaving them in a vulnerable state. This also would mean players are more likely to be running around reviving their Pawns instead of fighting the Dragon, leaving them in a violent cycle that would see no end.

1 Aim For The Head And Heart

Weak Points Will Kill Him Faster

dragons dogma 2 maisters teachings locations

The best tip for Dragon’s Dogma 2 when facing the Dragon is to make sure to aim for his weak points. This will first be the Dragon’s Head, which a ranged character can either aim for, or a melee player can climb to hit right between his horns.

Eventually, this will expose the Dragon’s heart, the thing that connects the player and the Dragon as enemies. Using an extract of savagery to increase the player’s damage will allow them to quickly dispose of the Dragon at this point, as long as the player and their Pawns work quickly.

dragon's dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma 2

March 22, 2024

Action RPG

#Dragons #Dogma #Tips #Fighting #Dragon

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