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Elden Ring: How To Get the Carian Glintblade Staff

If you’re looking for an excellent weapon to boost your Glintblade sorceries, here’s how to get the Carian Glintblade Staff in Elden Ring.

While the weapons from the Carian set are not top picks for the late game in Elden Ring, the Carian Glintblade Staff may find a place in some Glintblade sorceries builds. Thanks to good scaling with Intelligence and a passive effect with a 15% boost from Glintblade sorceries, the Carian Glintblade Staff can significantly strengthen your build. In addition, you can improve it using Ashes of War and Smithing Stones.

Obtaining this weapon won’t take much time, since you can pick it up from a corpse in Liurnia of the Lakes. But be careful, because the ghosts will not let you pass without a fight.


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If you want to find the perfect balance between high defense and lightweight, here’s how to get the Carian Knight’s Shield in Elden Ring.

Where To Find Carian Glintblade Staff in Elden Ring

Carian Glintblade Staff location on the map in Elden Ring

The only way to get the Carian Glintblade Staff in Elden Ring is to pick it up from the corpse on the ruined tower in Liurnia of the Lakes. Specifically, head to the eastern part of this region and search the area between the Gate Town Bridge and Liurnia Highway North Site of Graces. However, even if you find the right place, you must kill several specific enemies to achieve the goal.

Here is the complete route to Carian Glintblade Staff:

  • To start, take Liurnia Highway North as your starting point and head northwest to the left of the main road.
  • Having risen to the top, you will notice a dilapidated tower that seems abandoned, but it is not. As you get closer, you will have to defeat several waves of Noble Sorcerers and Spectral Godrick Knights.
  • Run to the tower as quickly as possible, enter the first floor, and defeat the remaining enemies. At the top of the tower, there is a Twinsage Sorcerer who will attack you by distracting you from the battle on the ground. Hide from its gaze, and after that, finish off the remaining enemies.
  • Climb three wooden stairs before reaching the top. You can quickly attack the Twinsage Sorcerer from behind to avoid this fight.
  • Finally, go to the corpse at the top of the tower and take the desired weapon.


Elden Ring: How to Get the Brass Shield

If you’re looking for a good shield with 100% protection from physical damage, here’s how to obtain the Brass Shield in Elden Ring.

To use the Carian Glintblade Staff, you must meet the minimum requirements of 22 Intelligence, 6 Strength, and 12 Dexterity. If you haven’t invested points into Intelligence, it’s time to start doing so. In return, you will get an excellent weapon that boosts your Glintblade sorceries and finds its place in some dex/int builds due to good scaling.

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Elden Ring

February 25, 2022

#Elden #Ring #Carian #Glintblade #Staff

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