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Endless Ocean Luminous: How to Increase Rank Fast

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Increasing your rank in Endless Ocean Luminous is a requirement if you want to customize your character, or get further through the Story Mode. There are a few things you can do in the game to increase your rank quickly, so you can progress at a faster pace and unlock all the goodies.

As you work to increase your rank in the game, we will show you the best methods you can use to increase it quickly and efficiently. That way, you can enjoy everything the game has to offer, including all of the story missions and customization options.


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How To Increase Rank in Endless Ocean Luminous

Image of the rare creature Phantom in Endless Ocean Luminous

Though there are a few typical ways to increase your rank, such as completing missions or scanning some creatures, there are a few other methods you can use that might not be as obvious. If you’re looking to increase your rank as quickly and easily as possible, here are the strategies we suggest using.

Take Photographs of Creatures

One of the easiest methods you can use to gain some experience that you might not know of is to take some pictures of any creatures you find. To do this, start by scanning a creature using L. Then, once you’ve successfully scanned them, you can take a picture of them using the ZL button. You can change the filter of the image, and zoom in and out if you want. Finally, press ZL again to take the picture.

Scan New Creatures

Similar to how you can scan creatures to get some money, you can also scan them to gain some experience. Scanning any new creature will give you a nice boost to your experience, but we highly recommend focusing on finding rare and unusual creatures. The ones that are highlighted yellow will be rare ones, and these will give you a much larger boost to your experience and raise your rank faster.

Pick Up Salvage

Finally, the last way to boost your rank quickly is by picking up any salvage you find in new dive sites. They will usually be located on the ocean floor, so make sure to stick to the bottom to pick up pieces of salvage. The more rare the item, the more experience you’ll garner from it.


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What Do You Get From a Rank Increase?

Image of some color patterns in Endless Ocean Luminous

Whenever your rank increases in Endless Ocean Luminous, you unlock a few different perks. This includes:

  • Unlocking achievements
  • Unlocking new customization options
  • Allowing you to get creatures to swim alongside you (You’ll start with smaller creatures and build up to larger ones)

If you’re looking to customize your character and change your dive suit’s color patterns and add some stickers, you’ll need to raise your rank over time. You’ll also eventually be able to swim with some fish of your choosing as you increase your rank, which can make your experience more engaging and enjoyable as you make friends with the sea creatures.


Endless Ocean Luminous

Nintendo Switch

May 2, 2024



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