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Endless Ocean Luminous: How to Unlock Mystery Board Tiles

In Endless Ocean Luminous, players have the chance to progressively unlock tiles in the Mystery Board. The Mystery Board slowly reveals tiles as you progress through the game, and there are a total of 99 tiles. There are many different methods you can use to progress through the Mystery Board, though many of these are not mentioned.

Though there isn’t much information on how to unlock tiles on the Mystery Board, we will show you some methods you can use to complete them faster. Many of these locations you’ll visit are at random, but you can still use these tips to your advantage.


Endless Ocean Luminous: How to Solve Disc Puzzles

Here’s how to solve Disc puzzles in Endless Ocean Luminous to unlock more ocean mysteries for your collection.

How to Unlock Mystery Board Tiles by Salvage Items

The first method we were going to utilize to unlock some Mystery Board tiles is by salvaging items while diving. To do this, you can start either a Solo Dive, or a Shared Dive if you want to play online with others.

While you are on your dive, you can find salvage items by sticking to the ocean floor. Each time you spot a shining yellow spot on the ground, you’ll be able to approach it to get a salvage item. Hold down the A button to grab it, and you’ll get a notification on what item you received. If it is a new addition to your collection, you will most likely unlock a Mystery Board tile, which will appear to the left of the item. You can also tag these salvage items on your map to keep track of their location.

Salvage items will appear at
, so there is no specific location you can visit. Just keep looking out for the sparkling spots on the ocean floor.

How to Unlock Mystery Board Tiles by Exploring

Another simple method you can use to unlock some more tiles is just by exploring through each map. No need to focus on finding salvage items, or scanning new creatures; just look out for new areas like caves, spots covered in ice, or small tiles on the ground, like in the first image shown above.

While finding any shipwrecks or other unusual areas, you are sure to unlock a Mystery Board tile. When you notice something slightly different from the norm, take the chance and visit the area. You will most likely be able to unlock a tile by visiting.


Features That Should Come To Endless Ocean Luminous

Fans can only hope that the following features make it into the upcoming the upcoming Endless Ocean Luminous.

How to Unlock Mystery Board Tiles by Scanning

The last strategy you can use to unlock some Mystery Board tiles is by scanning new and rare creatures. You can do this in Solo or Shared Dives. However, we highly recommend checking out Shared Dives as you can work together with others to find incredibly rare creatures and UMLs (Unique Marine Life).

Visiting unexplored areas or hidden areas is where you’ll find some of the rarest creatures, especially in caves. In Shared Dives, you’ll get notifications for UMLs from your guide Sera, allowing you to more easily locate rare fish. It isn’t guaranteed that you will unlock a tile each time you find a rare fish, but there’s a high chance it will occur.


Endless Ocean Luminous

Nintendo Switch

May 2, 2024



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