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Hades 2 is out right now in Early Access

Supergiant’s eagerly anticipated sequel to the outrageously good Hades has appeared on Steam and Epic in Early Access form.

Hades 2 received a brief technical test, but in a surprise move Supergiant has dropped the game straight into Early Access, presumably because they were happy with the results of the test. That means you can go grab it on Steam and the Epic store right now for £24.99/$29.99.

According to Supergiant, Hades 2 has been in development for three years already, which is why even in its Early Access form, Hades 2 has more content than the original game.

Hades II in Early Access already has more environments, foes, and fully-voiced characters than the full version of the original Hades game. But it isn’t complete, and key areas, characters, foes, narrative events, and systems are still to come.” says the Steam page.

The plan is to release a major update every few months, and Hades 2 is expected to remain in Early Access until at least the end of 2024.

The original Hades was also launched in Early Access and it proved to be the perfect decision as Supergiant and the community worked together to craft a game that is pretty damn close to perfection. According to people who have gone hands-on with the game, Hades 2 may somehow be even better.

Even in its Early Access form, over 2,000 people have given it an ‘Overwhelming Positive’ rating. It has also already managed to hit 73,000+ players, although I’m sure by the time you’re reading this that number will have been destroyed.

Personally, Hades is one of my favourite games, which is why I’m torn on Hades 2. Not because I don’t want to play it – in fact, it’s the opposite: I’m super hyped. What I’m struggling with is whether I want to play it in Early Access or wait for the full release so I can experience the very best version of Hades 2. Chances are my willpower will crumble though, and I’ll end up playing it.

How about you guys? Will you jump straight in or wait?

#Hades #Early #Access

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