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Hentai Tales Vol 3 Review

Awhile ago, I was on a writing Discord, and I had the misfortune of reading some woman’s 300k word gay furry slice-of-life novel thing. There are no plot. There was no character development. It was just a series of scenes strung together, along the occasional butt love. It was horrendous. I asked her, “Who is this for?” She was like, “It is not for you.” And I replied, “But nobody will read this, so why even bother?.” She then she got angry and we stopped talking. What does this have to do with Hentai Tales Vol 3: Hitomi and Silent Space? Everything.

Like Vol 1 and Vol 2 before it, Hentai Tales Vol 3 is about this girl named Hitomi, who this time takes off in a space ship towards a planet.. and takes a bath(above), goes to sleep, dresses for the day, and tries on space outfits. I only lasted seventeen images out of fifty before I banged my head against the desk and went off to write this review. Like that woman’s furry novel, there is no plot here. Just a series of scenes strung together, usually to put Hitomi in skimpy outfits. I’m not sitting through fifty scrambled pictures, and you can’t make me.

Hentai Tales Vol 3: Hitomi and Silent Space gets a Garbage verdict and a one back end score. At least Vol 2 had a plot and was more compact. Vol 3 drags everything out and is the most boring thing I’ve played in awhile. All the games are trash, and Vol 3 is honestly the worst as its the longest. Avoid like the plague.

Overall: Hentai Tales Vol 3 is the largest of the Hentai Tales games, but that’s not saying much, as its garbage.

Verdict: Garbage

Eshop Page

Release Date 5/2/24
Cost $3.99
Publisher 17studio
ESRB Rating T

#Hentai #Tales #Vol #Review

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