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Hilarious Skyrim Clip Shows Why Players Should Never Open a Book While Slow Time is In Effect


  • The Slow Time shout in Skyrim can turn simple tasks like opening a book into a frustratingly slow experience.
  • Despite being 14 years old, Skyrim still has a loyal fan base and new players discovering the game’s rich fantasy world.
  • LocksmithIII717’s hilarious clip serves as a reminder of Slow Time’s downside and the importance of timing in Skyrim.

A hilarious clip shows a Skyrim player trying to open a book while affected by a Slow Time shout, and it doesn’t go well. When it comes to Shouts in Skyrim, each has its own unique effects, but this clip serves as a great reminder to not search through anything too important when using Slow Time.

It’s been almost 13 years since Skyrim first launched, and it still offers plenty of reasons to continue discussing the game. Skyrim has built a loyal fan base since its release, while new players are still experiencing the game for the first time. Bethesda offers a rich fantasy world with Skyrim, and there are many abilities players can harness. Some of these powers are implemented through Shouts in Skyrim, which are phrases in dragon language that hold great power. Slow Time is a Shout that, as the name suggests, slows down time, and one player had an unfortunate reminder that this power isn’t always helpful.


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A Skyrim player known as LocksmithIII717 on Reddit captured a hilarious example of why using Slow Time isn’t always the best decision. The player attempts to open a book while Slow Time is in effect, and it turns a quick task into something that feels like it takes ages. As LocksmithIII717 attempts to flip through the book’s pages, the slowness is almost agonizing to witness, and it’s a hilarious showcase of a power’s downside. There have been plenty of funny moments in Skyrim, and this one serves as a great reminder of when to avoid Slow Time.

Skyrim Player Tries to Open Book During Slow Time

The clip screen captured by LocksmithIII717 may only be 14 seconds, but it feels a lot longer. It’s both incredibly frustrating and extremely amusing to watch the situation unfold as the player tries to make their way through the book, only for the pages to sluggishly turn over. Several comments on the Reddit post thanked LocksmithIII717 for capturing this moment, so other players could avoid this completely. Skyrim has its fair share of glitches, but it’s rare to experience something in-game that isn’t actually a glitch, but ultimately feels like one.

The features and powers in Skyrim all have their pros and cons, and this is a great demonstration of Slow Time’s cons. Although the Slow TIme Shout is only supposed to last seconds, it can feel way longer when trying to accomplish a task. LocksmithIII717 hasn’t offered any updates, so hopefully they’re still not stuck trying to read Vonos’ Journal.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim is the fifth major game in the Elder Scrolls series. Considered one of the greatest games ever made, it has been released on several generations of consoles. Since its initial release over a decade ago, Skyrim has become one of the bestselling video games of all time.

November 11, 2011

Bethesda Game Studios

Bethesda Softworks

Skyrim: Dragonborn , Skyrim: Hearthfire , Skyrim: Dawnguard

How Long To Beat
35 Hours


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