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House of Screaming Glass – HorrorBuzz


Get ready for a journey into the otherworldly as DeskPop Entertainment announces the release of House of Screaming Glass, a surreal indie Horror film by David Williams, coming to VOD and DVD on May 21st.

The film follows Elizabeth Cadosia, played by Lani Call, who has lived her life overshadowed by her mentally unstable mother. After her mother’s death, Elizabeth inherits a dilapidated schoolhouse from her grandmother, whom she has never met. It is within the confines of this eerie building that Elizabeth becomes ensnared in a terrifying web of visions and nightmares.

As she delves deeper into her family’s dark history, Elizabeth discovers that her grandmother was a witch. The allure of forbidden magic pulls Elizabeth deeper into its grasp, and soon she succumbs to the sinister forces waiting for her. The schoolhouse becomes a haven of Horror as Elizabeth undergoes a chilling transformation that threatens her mind and body.

In this descent into darkness, Elizabeth’s fate intertwines with the malevolent powers that have long waited for her. Her spirit melds with the schoolhouse, turning it into a cursed place where the boundary between the living and the spectral is all but gone. She becomes a specter of black magic, eternally bound to the accursed legacy of the building that claimed her.

House of Screaming Glass: Official Trailer from Razor Wire Alchemy on Vimeo.


House of Screaming Glass is a tale of tragedy and witchcraft, painting a vivid picture of one woman’s tragic descent into her own haunted legacy.

#House #Screaming #Glass #HorrorBuzz

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