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Little Kitty, Big City: How to Get Feathers

There are multple items scattered around the city in Little Kitty, Big City, and most of them have a purpose. Players will find themselves hunting for fish, hats, birds nests, and even ducklings. However, there is one item that gamers need to get that can be particularly useful in Little Kitty, Big City, and that’s bird feathers, which can be used to unlock fast travel.



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This guide focuses on collecting feathers in Little Kitty, Big City, and it’ll explain a few tricks and strategies to getting a bunch of them quickly so they can stock up on them and gain access to all fast travel spots.

How to Collect Feathers

little kitty big city bird feather

Feathers give players access to fast travel in Little Kitty, Big City; Tanuki, who gamers can find at the construction site, needs three feathers to get his portal working and one feather for each additional fast travel location.

world traveler achievement little kitty big city

In order to unlock all nine fast travel points and get the World Travel achievement, gamers will have to find a total of 11 Feathers, meaning they must successfully catch 11 birds.

How to Catch Birds

little kitty big city catch a bird

Birds are everywhere in Little Kitty, Big City, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to catch. These blue creatures will easily spot the player whenever it tries to approach them. Thankfully, they are quite attracted to bread and bagels, so players can catch their attention and distract them by leaving these items as bait.

Players can get bread or bagels in Little Kitty, Big City using the Swipe command to get them to trip and drop their food. They can then grab it, run away to a secluded location, and set the bait. It won’t take long before a bird or two lands on the food – players must take this opportunity to strike.

Next, gamers have to pounce on the bird using the Precision Jump (hold Jump.) The kitty will then jump in slow motion and grab the bird. It only takes it to get a feather and then let’s the innocent creature go free. Here is a video showing players how to catch a bird in Little Kitty, Big City:

little kitty big city

Little Kitty, Big City

May 9, 2024

Double Dagger Studio

Double Dagger Studio


#Kitty #Big #City #Feathers

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