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New indie co-op roguelike on Steam recreates MMO raids with rabbits

Raiding in an MMO can be an incredibly fulfilling affair but also comes with a host of problems. You’ve got to get many people all together all at the same time, get them all using the right roles, learning boss fights, and then have it execute together. In Rabbit and Steel the troubles with raiding melt away into something more manageable and easy to dive into.

Plus, you get to play as a rabbit. In Rabbit and Steel you and a few friends can team up to take on MMORPG style raids, focused around combat, looting, upgrading your character, and then doing it all over again. Combining a co-op game with a roguelike, it promises to get you raiding in seconds, diving into the deadly dance of death that makes the best raids so memorable.

We’ve seen attempts to recreate the feeling of raiding in an indie game before but what really makes Rabbit and Steel stand apart is how it seems to understand the mechanics of raiding. Many games will have AoE effects firing off as you move around, dealing damage or healing as your team tries to take down a boss. In Rabbit and Steel, however, the whole mechanical aspect of raiding is recreated.

An intense boss fight is about to start in Rabbit and Steel with a team taking on a giant white dragon.

Gear effects, in-depth boss mechanics, skills, and even global cooldowns need to be taken into account if you want to defeat your foe and make it back with some tasty loot in your bag. It all hints at a surprising amount of depth, showing off some mechanics that wouldn’t be out of place in World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV.

If you don’t want to play with pals or you just want to dip in by yourself, the game will account for that. Solo players will face more bullet hell arrays of attacks, rather than having to deal with co-op focused assaults that would be impossible to conquer alone. It all adds up to something that’s had a surprising amount of thought baked into every part of its design.

Also, did I say, you can play as a rabbit?

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Rabbit and Steel is out now and you can head over to Steam to pick it up. If you’d like to delve into something similar in this vein, our best games” rel=”noopener”>co-op games and our best games-pc” rel=”noopener”>roguelike games guides should see you grabbing your next favorite game.

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