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Pretty Girls Escape Plus

You will buy Pretty Girls Escape Plus for one reason, and one reason only, so let me spoil it:

A rare sight in today’s gaming landscape!

Now that we have that out of the way, Pretty Girls Escape Plus is the sequel to Pretty Girls Escape, which I reviewed a long time ago and is pretty much the same game: You have the waifu blocks at the top(from one to three), and must get rid of the blocks below them to lower them down to the exits. You can only remove regular blocks in chains of two or more. You can shift blocks left and right if there is space to do, and everything moves. If there’s no blocks to stop the waifu block, it will go from one edge to the other(and probably require a restart). The main difference between the two games is that here there are 10 lovely waifus instead of 8, for even more puzzling fun!

The puzzles in Pretty Girls Escape Plus get a lot harder a lot faster than the did in its predecessor, which is not a bad thing. Though you’ll still blow through all 60 puzzles quickly. Getting the optional missions on each stage make take some more time. Plus there are also 20 challenge puzzles. Honestly, there’s not much more to say, this is simply more of the same good puzzling action as before. But like all pretty girls games, the real draw are the boobs in the dressing room. The original got a YMMV. This will get a Recommended with a seven back-end score. I’ve come to terms with what these games are, and I’m ok with that now.

Overall: Pretty Girls Escape Plus has good puzzling action, but like always, its about the boobs.

Verdict: Recommended

eShop Page

Release Date 4/18/24
Cost $5.99
Publisher EastAsiaSoft
ESRB Rating T

#Pretty #Girls #Escape

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