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The Ghost Girl Haunting Cuesta de las Doblas – Moon Mausoleum


There is a dangerous curve in the middle of a steep slope in Spain said to be haunted called Cuesta de las Doblas. Several drivers have reported about seeing what appears to be a stranded girl without her car on the roads. But as soon as they see her, she disappears into thin air like a ghost. 

The Haunted road in Spain is a place that is known for its chilling history and unnerving atmosphere. It has become a place where drivers have reported strange occurrences and encounters with the supernatural. This road has a reputation for being one of the most haunted in Spain. It is considered to be so scary that many drivers will avoid it altogether.

Read more: Check out all of our ghost stories from Spain

This is the case with a particular bend in Spain that got extra attention in 2022 when the newspaper made a case for the haunted rumors going on there and let the people tell about their experiences, and they came flooding in. 

The Sharp Bend of Cuesta de las Doblas

The 2.3 kilometer long road of A-472 in Andalucia is said to be the road where some of the most serious traffic accidents happened in Spain as well as being one of the most haunted roads in the country. 

The road is down some slopes and suddenly there is a sharp curve that comes too abruptly on many drivers, especially if their speed is too high. 

Read more: Check out all of our ghost stories from Haunted Roads all around the world.

There are more than hundreds of deaths that have occurred at the Cuesta de las Doblas between the 568 and 570 kilometers point. The old highway was made in 1937 and has a deadly and bad design on one of the curves and has claimed the lives of more than 100 victims in over 70 accidents. 

The Most Deadliest Collisions on the Road

On April 9, 1937, 16 people died on the Cuesta de las Doblas and in 1961 22 people died when the truck they were all crammed in drove off the curve because of the high speed and ended up in the bottom of the ravine.

One of the big accidents that happened was in 1973 when a bus carrying 49 passengers on June 10th was going to Almonte for Pentecost Monday. It didn’t make the turn and plunged down the ravine, falling over 40 meters that killed 8 of the women.

After this, the point where the bus went off and into the ravine has been known as the Black Point. Because of the many deaths and accidents the place has become a well known place for hauntings and apparitions. 

The Girl on the Curve

But who is it that is haunting the road where so many died? There are more than one ghost story about this stretch of road, but most popular is the story about seeing the ghost girl on the curve. 

A cold and rainy night on November 3rd in 1976, a taxi driver was going towards Sanlucar up the slopes of Cuesta de las Doblas when he saw a girl in a long white dress and blonde hair. The man in the taxi stopped and asked her what she was doing out in the bad weather. She said that she had trouble with her car and asked if she could get a lift. The taxi driver agreed and started driving. 

After they had been driving for a few moments they approached the infamous curve. She asked him if he knew of the curve? The taxi driver said yes. The girl said: That is where I died and disappeared into thin air. 

This is how the urban legend about the ghost most seen on the bend is told. A classical vanishing hitchhiker story as we know it. She is sometimes said to be wearing a white dress, sometimes a red jacket. Sometimes her hair is dark, then it’s blonde. The story has spun several stories and what the original one used to be is now unknown. 

Read more: Revisit the urban legend of the Vanishing Hitchhiker

Mostly the reports talk about seeing a little girl dressed in a red jacket that looks like she is hitchhiking in the late hours right before the dangerous curve. Her age is unsure, but many claim her to be everything from a girl to a woman in her mid 20s.

According to some of the darkest versions of the stories about her, she is said to be one that causes new accidents to make people join her like she died. Some say that she acts as a warning about the dangerous curve ahead. 

A man working for the Guardia Civil was once stationed in Sanclúar la Mayor and was driving down the slopes of Cuesta de las Doblas one night. He suddenly saw a little girl walking along the road barefoot. Both he and his partner looked at each other and had both seen it. 

They turned around the car to check if something had happened, but when they backtracked they saw no one. Even though there are not many places to go but along the curve. When they returned to the barracks they told the sergeant what had happened and he asked at what place it had happened. 

When they told him it was on the curve of the Cuesta de las Doblas, he smiled and said it was a ghost there, but they shouldn’t talk about it out loud. 

The fact that the girl on the curve disappears when the car is passing seems to be a common denominator for this ghost story. After the Guardia Civil officer told his story to the newspaper, another man called Alfonso Castro chimed in and told of a similar incident. 

He was also driving late at night and there were also two in the car when it happened. When they passed the mysterious girl on the Cuesta de las Doblas, the woman in the passenger seat followed the girl with her eyes and shouted that the girl had just disappeared into thin air when they passed her. 

They also stopped and backed up, not 10 seconds had gone by since they saw her. With a flashlight they tried to see her, but found no one. 

Cuesta de las Doblas Today

Even though there are new security measures they didn’t have in the earlier days, Cuesta de las Doblas is still considered to be dangerous to drive on with its three lanes and no hard shoulder. 

But perhaps if you are forgetful when driving on these roads, there will come a ghost and give a warning before you as well share her fate. Or in worst case scenario, she will cause the accident so you will join her in her road trip going on forever.

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