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The Witch Grave: Uncovering the Mysteries of Old Burying Yard in York, Maine


Nestled amidst the serene beauty of York, Maine, lies a historical treasure shrouded in mystery and intrigue – the Witch Grave in Old Burying Yard. This ancient cemetery, dating back to the 17th century, holds within its grounds a grave that has captured the imagination of locals and visitors alike for generations.

Old Burying Yard, also known as First Parish Cemetery, is one of the oldest cemeteries in Maine, with graves dating as far back as 1657. It was the final resting place for early settlers, Revolutionary War veterans, and notable figures from York’s history. However, the Witch Grave stands out as a focal point of curiosity and folklore.

The legend surrounding the Witch Grave centers on the burial of an alleged witch during the colonial period. According to local lore, Mary Nasson was accused of practicing witchcraft and was condemned to death. Her remains were interred in an unmarked grave at Old Burying Yard, away from the consecrated grounds where most residents were laid to rest.

Over the years, the Witch Grave has become the subject of numerous legends and tales passed down through generations. Some believe the woman’s spirit haunts the cemetery, seeking revenge on those who wronged her. Others claim to have witnessed strange phenomena near the grave, such as eerie lights or whispers in the wind.

Despite the lack of historical evidence to support the witch’s existence or the circumstances of her burial, the legend persists, adding to the mystique of Old Burying Yard. Visitors often come to pay their respects or to seek out the grave in hopes of experiencing a connection to the supernatural.

While the Witch Grave may be the most famous, Old Burying Yard holds significant cultural and historical value. The cemetery’s gravestones bear witness to York’s early days with intricate carvings and inscriptions that tell the stories of the past. Efforts have been made to preserve and maintain the cemetery, ensuring that future generations can continue to explore its rich heritage.

Visitors to Old Burying Yard are encouraged to respect the sanctity of the site and its graves and be mindful of their history and memories. Guided tours are available for those interested in learning more about the cemetery’s history and the stories behind its most notable inhabitants.

The Witch Grave in Old Burying Yard, York, Maine, is a captivating symbol of the town’s history and folklore. Whether viewed through the lens of legend or historical fact, its presence adds a layer of mystery and wonder to an already fascinating cemetery. As visitors wander among the weathered gravestones and ancient trees, they are reminded of the enduring allure of the past and the stories that continue to resonate through time.

If you liked this blog, don’t forget to read other entries in my WEIRD PLACES series.

~David Albaugh

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