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Total War: Warhammer III Receives DLC ‘The Thrones of Decay’

The development studio, The Creative Assembly, announced the arrival of Thrones of Decay for the successful strategy game Total War: Warhammer III. This highly anticipated expansion was introduced through a trailer showcasing all the available novelties. Additionally, it comes with a free update that includes additional content.

Thrones of Decay New Contents For Factions

Thrones of Decay offers various contents for the Empire, Nurgle, and Dwarfs factions.It also includes new missions expanding the game’s narrative and adds three legendary lords and heroes, as well as nine regiments. Furthermore, they have revamped other aspects such as battle units, campaign elements, and more.

On the other hand, players who own the base game will be able to download a free update with improvements and special content. For example, Epidemus is the new legendary lord available for the Nurgle faction. As for the Empire, they will have access to the golden wizards, who can ride horses and pegasi but can also fight on foot.

Another important aspect is the introduction of the Nemesis Crown, a powerful object that won’t have a fixed location on the map, being able to appear in any region. Players will have to decide whether to control it or seal it. Those who dare to wield it will gain great benefits but also face some disadvantages. An item that presents similar characteristics to the Sword of Khaine.

A notable aspect for all players is the possibility to acquire each character and its associated content individually, without the need to purchase the entire expansion. Total War is a franchise with over 42.5 million copies sold, backed by a large community eagerly awaiting each of these releases.

You can see in detail everything that this new DLC includes below

Elspeth Von Draken – The Dark Lady of Nuln

Elspeth Von Draken, is one of the most powerful Amethyst Wizards of the era. It is said that she is so infused with magical power that she is beyond life and death.

Imperial Artillery College: In the Empire’s armory, Wissenland and Nuln offer special unit upgrades and powerful abilities in exchange for the blueprints that these units acquire after causing damage on the battlefield.

Morr’s Gardens: Elspeth, the vigilant Protector of the Empire, establishes a limited number of sacred places throughout allied or neutral settlements. In this way, one can travel instantly to these locations in exchange for a certain price and a waiting time.

Battleplay Style: Riding her powerful Crimson Dragon, Elspeth is lethal in every sense of the word. She manipulates the battlefield from a distance with her innate magical abilities of the Lore of Death and then charges into enemy ranks with her Dragon and her two-handed Pale Scythe.

New Units: The ranks of the Empire are bolstered with a variety of elements such as the Marienburg Land Ship, the Steam Tank with Salvo Cannon, the Iron Teams of Nuln, the Hochland Long Rifles, the Black Rose Knights, the Master Engineer (Lord), the Engineer (Hero), and the indomitable Theodore Bruckner (Legendary Hero).

Tamurkhan – The Maggot Lord

Tamurkhan, a sentient worm living within the putrefied and bloated corpse of a powerful Ogre Tyrant, is one of Nurgle’s greatest champions. His sole aim is to spread death and disease in the name of the Lord of Pestilence.

Tamurkhan’s Warlords: Tamurkhan must gather an unstoppable host to ravage the world. He will embark on a deadly journey to dominate and recruit powerful Warlords from the Chaos tribes and Norsca to increase the power of his faction.

Battleplay Style: Tamurkhan is a true lethal colossus in combat who besieges the battlefield mounted on his imposing Toad Dragon and wielding a powerful double-edged axe. His ability Feast of the Lord of the Worms activates upon death and absorbs life from the enemy to stay in battle a little longer.

New Units: The swollen ranks of Nurgle will overflow with strength with the addition of units such as Kayzk the Rotten (Legendary Hero), the Chaos Lord of Nurgle (Lord), the Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle (Hero), Plague Ogres, Putrid Knights, Toad Dragons, Pestigors, and Bile Trolls.

Malakai Makaisson – Dwarf Slayer

Malakai Makaisson possesses a bold combination of intelligence and strength. He was a member of the legendary Engineer’s Guild before a disaster led to his expulsion. Eternally shamed by this event, he took the Slayer Oath with the sole purpose of seeking redemption through a worthy and bloody death.

Grungni’s Spirit: Malakai Makaisson’s armies march in the shadow of an aerial machine known as Grungni’s Spirit, a legendary airship that the Slayer Engineer can upgrade on the fly to increase its battle prowess. Additionally, he can summon it during battle.

Malakai’s Ventures: While seeking the glorious death that all Slayers desire, Malakai Makaisson leverages his deadly advantages to test and improve his latest engineering innovations in the most dangerous battles he can instigate.

Battleplay Style: Malakai serves the Dwarfs primarily as a ranged support Lord. With the Ember Cluster Bomb, he hurls explosives at enemies; moreover, he can blast them away with his shotgun, and if any get too close, he smashes them in the face with a massive wrench.

New Units: Cutting-edge engineering adds to bearded bravery: the Dwarf ranks are reinforced with Garagrim Ironfist (Legendary Hero), the Demon Slayer (Lord), the Dragon Slayer (Hero), the Deathseeker, the Goblin Cleaver, the Thunderous Barque, the Grudgebreaker, and the Pirate Slayers.

For more Fextralife news, be sure to check out Rise of the Ronin Surpassed The Nioh Saga In Sales During Its First Months of Release and Hidetaka Miyazaki Confirms That Shadow Of The Erdtree Will Be The Only DLC

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