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Unwrapping Horrific Holiday Delights: “A Scary Little Christmas: A History of Yuletide Horror Films, 1972-2020” Book Review


One of the most cherished Christmas traditions for many is indulging in festive movies and specials, a joyful pastime that often includes classics like IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, ELF, or the perennial favorite CHRISTMAS VACTION. Specials, such as “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” are also staples of the holiday viewing experience. Interestingly, recent years have witnessed the inclusion of Christmas Horror movies in the repertoire of quality family time.

The introduction of Christmas-themed Horror films dates back to the early 1970s, with their notoriety reaching its peak in the 1980s through films like SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT (1984), where Santa assumes the role of an axe-wielding maniac. This controversial depiction sparked condemnation from some parents and conservative groups, while others embraced the unconventional portrayal of Yuletide as a canvas for fear and trepidation.

My skepticism turned to genuine enthusiasm when I stumbled upon a book dedicated solely to Christmas Horror movies. “A Scary Little Christmas: A History of Yuletide Horror Films, 1972 – 2020,” authored by Matthew C. DuPée and published by McFarland, exceeded my expectations and proves to be a must-have for aficionados of Christmas Horror cinema.

Within the pages of “A Scary Little Christmas,” the sordid and colorful history of the Christmas Horror subgenre unfolds through interviews with directors, producers, special effects artists, photographers, and actors. The book meticulously explores psycho-Santa films like CHRISTMAS EVIL (1980) and 3615 CODE PÈRE NOEL (1989), along with Yule-Die slashers such as THE DORM THAT DRIPPED BLOOD (1982) and BLACK CHRISTMAS (1974). Commercial successes like GREMLINS (1984) and RARE EXPORTS: A CHRISTMAS TALE (2010) are dissected, alongside more recent releases like BETTER WATCH OUT (2016) and RED CHRISTMAS (2016). The book enriches the reader’s experience with rare photographs, promotional materials, and an annotated filmography.

The monumental effort invested in creating this book is evident in its detailed entries and behind-the-scenes anecdotes. “A Scary Little Christmas” stands as a labor of love, highlighting the author’s passion for these films. Although the book spans 370 pages, its engaging content will prompt readers to revisit it repeatedly while jotting down notes on Christmas Horror movies yet to be explored.

Not every film discussed in the book may be considered great, and perhaps not all should have been made, but credit is duly given where it is deserved. After perusing “A Scary Little Christmas,” my appreciation for many of these films deepened, proving the book’s success in shedding new light on its intriguing subject matter. is known for their movies books, most of which are the best of their kind. “A Scary Little Christmas: A History of Yuletide Horror Films, 1972 – 2020” is one of these books and hopefully someday, a updated version will be available, featuring films that have come out in the meantime.

~David Albaugh

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