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World of Warcraft’s latest patch, Dark Heart, is now live

hey girl

It’s time to go all-in on sisters and sinning! Wait, that sounds way worse than it was supposed to. It’s not our fault; the latest patch for World of Warcraft offers the Sins of the Sister questline, and there’s no way to not make that sound just a little bit off. It also contains the larger prologue quest for The War Within, though, so hopefully there’s just no better way to describe a questline about having a sister who just did some gosh-darn bad things. And it’s not actually a questline about Alleria (“the Paul”), Sylvanas (“the John”), or Vereesa (“the Pete Best”) for once!

Players will need to wait just a little bit longer in order to start playing through Mists of Pandaria again at turbo-speed, though, as that event starts up on May 16th. So you’ve got a little more than a week to get in on all of the prelude storytelling before leveling alts very quickly by partying with pandas in a brewery. It’s a dungeon. You fight beer elementals. It kind of rules.


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