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Manor Lords Surpasses 1 Million Copies Sold

The video game industry is highly unpredictable. We never know what the next headline-grabbing success will be, or what will manage to saturate Steam and other platforms, and the truth is, it often surprises us. Just this year, we’ve seen titles we’d never imagine, like Helldivers II or Palworld, breaking records on the Valve platform, achieving highly enviable user numbers.

Manor Lords A Great Success From The First Moment

Now it seems we have another contender on the list, as Manor Lords has kicked off its early access with a strong start, becoming an undeniable success on its first day, as well as one of the top indie games of 2024.

If you’re not yet familiar with this title, Manor Lords is a city-building and strategy game set in a medieval era, which clearly has been one of the major draws for many users. This could be attributed to its impressive graphics, as you can see in the following trailer.

This early success is even more impressive when considering it’s developed by Slavic Magic, a studio that had not released any games until now. That is to say, they managed to launch a completely successful title with their first release.

As confirmed by Hooded Horse, Manor Lords’ publisher, via X/Twitter, this title has managed to reach a peak of 170,000 unique users on Steam, a figure usually only within reach of major IPs and viral hits.

It’s worth noting that Manor Lords has not yet confirmed versions for other platforms, and initially, it’s only planned for release on PC, which is logical given the type of game we’re talking about.

However, it wouldn’t be the first title of this kind to make the leap to consoles, and this success could be a significant push in that direction. Additionally, you should know that besides Steam, you can find Manor Lords on PC Game Pass, Microsoft’s service.

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#Manor #Lords #Surpasses #Million #Copies #Sold

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