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One Shots: Murderhobo and the Moon

Do you ever wonder what the last thing you’ll ever see in this world before you bite the big one? I just hope it’s not our headlining picture because I’d rather not die shortly after wetting my pants.

This one comes from the ominously named The Lurker, who says, “I have been playing Nightingale a lot lately and the game looks lovely. I call this masterpiece of a screenshot ‘Murderhobo and the moon’ — the axe really sells it. Taken at night in a desert biome many portals from Earth.”

Vincent is leaping for joy — or to save his hide — when flora gets all toothy in FFXIV. But it’s a flower, how hard will it be to defeat? You just need a bigger bee, after all.

“The rest of my animals are not happy they have to share a space with this fella,” Vincent said.

“After a long break, a friend and I finally got back into LOTRO last week for a few hours and headed deeper into Ered Mithrin where I got this shot of an old Dwarven Fortress that’s largely in ruins inside that a certain group of Dwarves is attempting to make habitable again,” shared Katriana.

Our own Bree took a housing tour of Star Wars Galaxies Legends, saying, “This is the plague of Wookiee Treehouses that sprung up after the house was introduced at Christmas — for scale, so you can see how tall they are compared to normal houses on Dantooine.”

Time to scratch “Wookiee Treehouse Plague” off your 2024 MMO bingo card.

Chris wraps things up with a catgirl being very safe with sharp objects: “A Ninja in Final Fantasy XIV can be many things — a swift killer, an agile combatant, a deadly assassin. In my case, it can be a big happy kitty-hooded lady.”

Time to pull out your MSPaint or, better yet, your screenshot folder and share with the community what you’ve been playing! Post your favorite recent MMO pics in the comments below.

Every week, One Shots shines a spotlight on the best community screenshots from your MMO adventures. If you have a great pic to share, email it to with the subject “One Shots.” Make sure that the picture is over 880px wide and comes with a description or story!


#Shots #Murderhobo #Moon

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