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Spinning Fallout’s Most Iconic Feature Could Fix Starfield’s Personality Problem


  • Starfield, Bethesda’s space RPG, stands out for its worldbuilding, RPG progression, and engaging quests.
  • Despite its strengths, Starfield hasn’t captured gaming audiences like Skyrim or Fallout.
  • A Fallout-style radio feature in Starfield could add depth, character, and immersion to the game world.

Starfield, Bethesda Game Studios’ newest RPG, was undoubtedly one of last year’s biggest releases. The game, which takes many design staples of series like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls and adapts them to a space-faring backdrop, has received loads of praise for its charming worldbuilding, slow and steady RPG progression systems, and surprisingly engaging quest chains. With the Shattered Space DLC on the way, the game will hopefully only continue to sharpen its strengths and smooth out its rough edges.

But for as enjoyable as Starfield can be, it hasn’t managed to capture the hearts of general gaming audiences in quite the same way as Bethesda’s other RPGs. As unfortunate as it is to admit, it seems that Starfield has left a remarkably minor mark on the games industry as a whole as, although it was only released last fall, it seems like many have already moved on from it. Meanwhile, a game like Skyrim, released nearly thirteen years ago, still feels like a major part of pop culture, with its music, lore, and characters all standing out as unforgettable pieces of gaming history. The same can be said for the Fallout series, which has at least one memorable characteristic that could be transplanted into Starfield.


How Starfield Making House Va’ruun Joinable Could Have Changed The Story

Starfield has several factions, including House Va’ruun, and having the ability to join this group would have changed the story significantly.

Starfield Should Get a Fallout-Style Radio

Fallout’s Radio Channels Are a Stroke of Genius

Fallout‘s iconic radio station feature is easily one of the best new ideas Bethesda brought to the table when taking over the franchise in 2007. Fallouts 3 through 76 all include a number of different channels that players can tune into at any moment via the Pip-Boy, strengthening immersion and worldbuilding to an incredible degree. Stations like New Vegas‘ Mojave Music Radio offer a diegetic way to engage with the nostalgia-laden tunes that are so fundamental to the quasi-retro vibe of the franchise, while something like Fallout 3‘s Galaxy News Radio can provide players with some lighthearted podcast-esque fare while they travel through the harrowing wasteland.

These radio stations are entertaining in their own right, but their ultimate triumph is how they elevate the role-playing aspects of each game. Coupled with Fallout‘s incredible environmental storytelling, radio stations help inject life and personality into barren, oftentimes unpleasant worlds. They also offer tonal, narrative, and lore insights via a unique delivery method, as players are interacting with the world the way that an in-game character might.

Space Radio In Starfield Seems Like a No-Brainer

Naturally, a series like The Elder Scrolls wouldn’t be a good fit for an equivalent to Fallout‘s radio stations, but Starfield certainly is. It might even seem a bit strange that the game lacks its own selection of radio stations, as an adaptation of the beloved Fallout feature would feel natural and charming in the fantastical sci-fi experience.

Starfield‘s space exploration could be electrified by the inclusion of some setting-appropriate music or talk shows that could offer comedic, dramatic, or thought-provoking insights into the game’s broader universe. Overall, radio stations would add depth and character to Starfield while making the vast ocean of space feel less cold and drab.

Currently, radio is the most common form of communication in space. Other concepts, such as infrared transmissions and interplanetary internet, have been conceived and are being developed, but there is reason to believe that radio would still be the dominant form of communication in a society with ubiquitous space travel.

With Bethesda still hard at work on Starfield, perhaps some radio stations could be patched into the game at some point, either through paid DLC or in a free update. If done well, the feature could be a relatively simple and cost-effective way to give Starfield a bit more character, depth, and immersion.

starfield game


Developed by Bethesda Game Studios, Starfield is a sci-fi Action role-playing game where players interact with multiple factions, engage in combat, customize their main character and ship, as well as explore a universe that features over 100 systems and 1,000 planets.

September 6, 2023

M For Mature 17+ Due To Blood, Suggestive Themes, Use of Drugs, Strong Language, Violence

How Long To Beat
20 Hours

X|S Enhanced

File Size Xbox Series
101 GB (November 2023)


#Spinning #Fallouts #Iconic #Feature #Fix #Starfields #Personality #Problem

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